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  1. Creating Slingshot RIDE COMMAND Log Files

    How to create and share log files for customer support

    Palabra (s) clave

  2. 2020+ Slingshot Prostar 2.0 Spark Plug Replacement

    How to inspect and change your spark plugs on your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  3. 2020+ Slingshot Prostar 2.0 Pre-Ride Inspection

    What to check before you ride your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  4. 2020+ Slingshot Prostar 2.0 Air Filter Replacement

    How to change the air filter on your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  5. Pairing a Phone or Bluetooth® Device to 2020+ Slingshot RIDE COMMAND

    How to connect a phone or headset to your display powered by RIDE COMMAND

    Palabra (s) clave

  6. Headlamp Adjustment and Maintenance for Model Year 2019 and Older Slingshot

    How to inspect, adjust and change your headlamps

    Palabra (s) clave

  7. 2020+ Slingshot Prostar 2.0 Oil Change

    How to change the oil and filter on your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  8. Slingshot Angle Drive Fluid Replacement for Model Year 2019 and Older

    How to change the angle drive fluid on Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  9. Slingshot Keyless Ignition and Security System Operation

    How to activate the keyless ignition and use the security system on your Polaris Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  10. Slingshot Spark Plug Replacement for Model Year 2019 and Older

    How to inspect and change your spark plugs

    Palabra (s) clave

  11. Slingshot Orientation for Model Year 2019 and Older

    A look at the features of your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave

  12. Slingshot Battery Removal and Installation for Model Year 2019 and Older

    How to service the battery on your Slingshot

    Palabra (s) clave