How To's For Everything Ride Command
Slingshot Ride Command - Plan A Route And Share
Find a tried and true route or plan your own adventure. Share your plans and the fun with family and friends from all your devices.
Slingshot Ride Command - How To Update Software
Follow the process for bringing your Ride Command software up to date. Step by step instructions to make sure your update is as smooth as your ride.
Slingshot Ride Command - How To Update Maps
Instructions for making sure your maps are up to date, ensuring you can find your way home after every joyride.
Ride Command: What's New
Find a route, plan your own, share with friends and more. See what all the excitement is about.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I find software and map updates?
Updates for software and maps can be found on the Ride Command page.
How do I get the turn-by-turn navigation on my Slingshot SL to work?
Slingshot SL does not have turn-by-turn navigation standard. Contact your local Slingshot dealer to learn more or shop our RIDE COMMAND accessories.
Visit the Help Center.

We know that getting behind the wheel of your Slingshot is more than just getting from point A to point B – it’s how you experience the road. Maximize how you experience the road with the new Ride Command site and app. Find new routes or make your own way using the ride planner. Add waypoints to make sure you don’t miss anything on the way. Use Bluetooth connectivity to load your ride to your Slingshot and share with friends and family from the mobile app so everyone can join in the fun.

Great people and experiences are part of the Slingshot life. Connect with other Slingshot riders in the area and join in the excitement.

Making your ride your own takes the experience up a notch. Explore the options.

Slingshot makes even the ordinary an adventure. See what other Slingshot owners are up to.