Slingshot Superheroes: Local Hero from Bedford, Ohio – Dezaray Mcmullin-Currie
We are honored to announce our first Slingshot Superhero Winner – Dezaray Mcmullin-Currie!
Dezaray Mcmullin-Currie is a Superhero. A U.S. Army veteran currently on the front lines as a registered nurse outside Cleveland, Ohio at a skilled nursing and rehabilitation center. From 2a to 8p, she selflessly cares for her patients, some of whom have COVID-19. But, her superhero prowess doesn’t stop there.
And, amidst all of that, earlier this year she founded a nursing school in her community of Bedford, Ohio, called Ambitious Academy, instructing aspiring nurses and hosting free community events. Relentless in her pursuit to help those in need and giving back to the community she calls home.
As she celebrates her wedding anniversary later this month and a few days later her birthday, there is no better way to honor and celebrate an individual that without question is dedicated to not only her patients and her job, but her family and community. Thank you, Dezaray Mcmullin-Currie, and congratulations on being named our first Slingshot Superhero.
In this time of uncertainty, Polaris Slingshot recognizes the many Superheroes in our communities going above and beyond to make a difference at their place of work, at home and in the community. Between now and June 3, we have sent a call-to-action to our followers to nominate someone deserving of the title ‘Superhero.’ Whether it be a medical professional, a first responder, grocery worker, an educator learning to teach from afar, a seamstress supporting a local medical facility, a young adult delivering food to the community, or a stay-at-home mom turned school teacher – Slingshot wants to say “Thank You.” Slingshot will be celebrating these Superheroes and selecting, from the submissions, four heroes. Each winner will receive a “Superhero Ride:” a Three-Month Rental of an all-new 2020 Slingshot Roadster. Nominate a superhero today!
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